Platzi Reviews - GraphQL Server

in platzi api graphql nestjs prisma typescript apollo web-scraping

March 10, 2023

Platzi reviews featured hex

Platzi is a popular online education platform that offers a wide range of courses on various topics. The platform has a strong community of learners who are passionate about gaining knowledge and sharing their experiences with others. To help these learners make informed decisions about which courses to take, a GraphQL server can be built to facilitate course reviews and ratings.

The GraphQL server will provide a user-friendly interface that allows learners to query and retrieve information about different courses on the platform. This information will include course ratings, reviews, and other important details such as course duration, level of difficulty, and course content.

The server will also include a powerful search feature that enables users to search for courses based on specific criteria such as subject, duration, and level of difficulty. This will make it easier for learners to find courses that meet their specific needs and preferences.

To ensure the security and reliability of the GraphQL server, it will be built using the latest web development technologies and best practices. It will also be extensively tested to ensure that it can handle a large number of users and requests.

Overall, this GraphQL server for course reviews in Platzi will be a valuable resource for learners who want to make informed decisions about which courses to take. It will provide them with an easy-to-use interface that allows them to access valuable information about different courses and make informed decisions about their learning journey.

Posted on:
March 10, 2023
2 minute read, 244 words
platzi api graphql nestjs prisma typescript apollo web-scraping
platzi api graphql nestjs prisma typescript apollo web-scraping
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