Using reactable in #TidyTuesday CHAT dataset - World Energy Production
Use reactable
package to create a beutiful interactive table.
Use reactable
package to create a beutiful interactive table.
Internet Access The data this week comes from Microsoft by way of The Verge. Undoubtedly, the pandemic has brought with it a multitude of problems while enhancing the pre-existing ones. Many businesses, schools, or government procedures assimilated a digital model, while a large part of them closed their doors. Accessing those digital models became an almost inaccessible task. Years of unnoticed growth of this problem now stand out clearly.
Say goodbye to Disqus ads and learn how to integrate Utterances, a “lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues”.
Tidytuesday - 2021 - 18 - The data this week comes from Gentry et al. by way of DataIsPlural. Learn how to use Highcharter, a wrapper for Highcharts javascript library and its modules.
A quick demostration of Rmarkdown power using blogdown!